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The SONiC community was thrilled to be part of the ONE Summit 2024, held recently in San Jose California. The event was a whirlwind of activity, with a dedicated SONiC workshop, engaging presentations at the main conference, and the exciting announcement of 10 new members joining our growing ecosystem.

If you have missed the event or want to revisit the exciting sessions and announcements, read the event recap below and check out the session recordings.

SONiC Workshop Highlights: A Deep Dive into the Latest Innovations

The co-located SONiC workshop was a resounding success, with over 100 in-person and 76 virtual attendees from 50+ organizations eager to learn about the latest advancements in the SONiC ecosystem. 

The workshop featured a packed agenda, with sessions covering a wide range of topics:

Beyond the Workshop: SONiC at ONE Summit

The SONiC community’s presence extended beyond the workshop, with several well-received presentations at the main ONE Summit event:

View all ONE Summit session recordings here.

Welcome New Members and Edge Expansion

During ONE Summit, we were thrilled to announce that 10 new members have joined the SONiC community, a testament to SONiC’s growing momentum. This brings our total to over 520 organizations contributing to the project! We also launched a new enterprise edge workgroup to extend SONiC’s capabilities into edge networking, reflecting the increasing demand for open, flexible solutions in this space.

Thank You

The ONE Summit 2024 was a fantastic opportunity for the SONiC community to connect, collaborate, and share knowledge. With a focus on continuous advancement, collaboration, and growth, SONiC is poised to reshape the future of networking.

We want to thank all the speakers, attendees, and organizers for making this workshop a resounding success! Check out SONiC events page for upcoming SONiC events in your region.