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for Developers

SONiC is open source, which means it relies on contributors like you! All areas of SONiC are open for contribution. Join the community to contribute code, documentation, and use cases.

Get involved in the community


Sources for developers and users including SONiC roadmap planning, architecture, build status and more.

Developer Guide

SONiC workflow, design specs & test plans for new features and development tutorials

Building Guide

Build SONiC Switch Images and Broadcom Opennsl and Switch Abstraction Interface (SAI)

Testing Guide

Set up SONiC testbeds, minigraph and how to run tests

Technical FAQ

Frequently asked technical questions about SONiC

SONiC Latest Images

SONiC image pipelines with latest successful builds

Connect with the community

Mailing Lists

Discussion threads for the Governing Board, Technical Steering Committee (TSC) and broad community


News, content and events from the SONiC project and community


News, content and events from the SONiC project and community


Video content including recordings from community meeting, events and more 


Channels for project announcements, TSC and general discussions

Stay in touch for updates, event info, and the latest news